Professor Ramon Varcoe
A/Professor Varcoe is a vascular surgeon at Sydney’s Prince of Wales and Prince of Wales Private Hospitals where he is supervisor of vascular surgical training and director of the Vascular Institute, one of Australia’s most prestigious clinical trials centres. His busy clinical practice specialises in the minimally invasive treatment of aortic aneurysm conditions, carotid disease and the full gamut of occlusive arterial disease of the lower limb. However, he is internationally renowned for his work in advanced limb salvage techniques for the prevention of amputation.
A/Professor Varcoe has completed an international fellowship in minimally invasive vascular techniques and has been awarded a PhD in innovative vascular techniques and technology evaluation by the University of NSW, aswell as 2 Masters in Surgery and Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Sydney. He has a strong academic interest in novel stent and anastomotic technologies, the investigation of intimal hyperplasia, particularly computer flow dynamic modelling and cellular mechanisms, the application of intra-operative ultrasound to endovascular techniques, regional foot perfusion mapping following tibial angioplasty and has the first-in-man experience with bioresorbable stent technology applied below-the-knee.
He is an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales (ranked 45th most presitgious university in the world and first in NSW by QS rankings), where he teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. He is founder and course director of the quarterly New South Wales Vascular meeting and the VERVE symposium, a renowned advanced endovascular summit which is the largest of its kind in Australasia.
He is a member of numerous learned societies, has published more than 95 peer reviewed manuscripts, 5 book chapters, is an invited reviewer for the Journal of Endovascular Therapy, International Angiology, ANZ Journal of Surgery, Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, International Journal of Surgery, World Journal of Surgery and Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, is on the editorial board of both the Journal of Endovascular Therapy and Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, and has been invited to speak both nationally and internationally on more than 100 separate occasions.
- Trauma
- Aortic
- Carotid
- Endovascular
- Peripheral Arterial
- Venous
- Bachelor of Medicinec Bachelor of Surgery MBBS
- Master of Surgery MS
- Doctorate of Philosophy PhD
- Masters of Medicinec Clinical Epidemiology MMed (ClinEpi)