Dr Kheng 'KT' Lim


KT Lim is a Senior Staff Specialist General Surgeon with a special interest in upper and lower gastrointestinal surgery, minimally invasive surgery, and therapeutic endoscopy.

KT received undergraduate medical degree with honours from the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI). He completed the RCSI’s basic and higher surgical training programme with the award of CCST and Intercollegiate FRCS (Gen Surg). He received Master in Surgery (MCh) degree by research thesis awarded by University College Dublin (UCD). He completed Upper GI Surgery fellowship at St James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. He then worked as a consultant surgeon in General and Upper GI Surgery in UK and Singapore before practising in Australia.


General Surgery
Areas of Practice
  • Upper Gastrointestinal
  • Colorectal
  • Surgical Oncology
Professional Associations
  • ISDE
  • IGCA
  • ELSA
Professional Qualifications
  • Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery Bachelor of Arts of Obstetrics (National University of Ireland) Licentiates of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ireland MB BCh BAO (NUI) LRCPI and LRCSI
  • Master of Surgery (National University of Ireland) MCh (NUI)
  • Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland FRCSI (Gen Surg)
  • International Fellow of American College of Surgeons FACS
  • Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons FRACS
Photo of Surgeon
Consulting Rooms & Hospitals
Gladstone HospitalCentral Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CQHHS), Gladstone, QLD, 4680, Australia