Prof Neil Merrett
Professor Neil Merrett is the Foundation Professor of Surgery and Director of Strategy at the University of Western Sydney School of Medicine.. He is a Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal/Pancreaticobiliary surgeon at Bankstown, Liverpool, Campbelltown Public Hospitals and St George Private Hospital. Professor Merrett has an extensive experience in the treatment of Upper Gastrointestinal cancers, and reflux disease. He is the Head Upper G! Surgery in SouthWest Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD), The Program Director of Surgery for SWSLHD. and is a member of the SWSLHD Board, including chairing the Health Care Quality and Safety Committee.. He is a Visiting Scientist at the Garvan Institute and also serves on the NSW Cancer Institute Ethics Committee, Upper GI Committee NSW Oncology Group within the Cancer Institute, and NSW State Surgical Taskforce. He is on the Board and the Training Committee of Australian New Zealand Gastro Oesophageal Surgical Association (ANZGOSA) He was the Clinical Dean at Liverpool Hospital and served for 7 years as the Clinical Director of Gastroenterology and Liver Services for SydneySouthwest Area Health Service. He was the Chairman of Sydney Upper Gastrointestinal Surgical Society for 7 years. He has an extensive clinical, training, research, planning and administrative experience .
- Upper Gastrointestinal-Hepatopancreatobiliary