The SET program
SET Introduction
Specialty training boards allocate Trainees to accredited training posts for their clinical placements. The specialty boards monitor the quality and outcomes of training in each post through regular hospital accreditation processes and through information from Trainees' logbooks. Hospitals also have supervisors to monitor Trainee progress.
Surgical training involves a progression in levels of competency from being a doctor with at least three years of postgraduate experience to becoming a practising specialist. The RACS Professional Skills Curriculum (RACS PSC) is intended to guide the development of professional skills in surgical Trainees, leading to behaviour expected of Fellows of RACS. The RACS Professional Skills Curriculum is aligned to behavioural markers that RACS has defined for Fellows in the RACS Surgical Competence and Performance Guide (PDF 7MB) (PDF 7MB) (PDF 7MB)
The Guide to SET booklet (PDF 883.25KB) provides greater detail about the RACS SET program and is an essential reference for all SET applicants and Trainees.
The Work-based assessment: a practical guide (PDF 769.13KB) provides information on the assessment of SET Trainees and the range of work-based assessment tools utilised as defined by the specialty training boards.
The 2025 SET Training Fees (PDF 176.64KB) table outlines 2025 fees for full time training. Orthopaedic Trainees in Australia will be invoiced by the Australian Orthopaedic Association.
For SET enquiries, a list of contacts can be found here (PDF 120.78KB).
Surgical Education and Training (SET) policies
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Surgical Trainee Selection Initiative (PDF 30.25KB)
Access to RACS Interview and Assessment Transcript (PDF 36.45KB)
Assessment of Clinical Training (PDF 84.25KB)
Discrimination Bullying and Sexual Harassment (PDF 109KB)
Dismissal from Surgical Training (PDF 97.68KB)
Former Trainees Seeking to Reapply to Surgical Training (PDF 84.81KB)
Ill, Injured and Impaired Trainees (PDF 77.41KB)
Medical Registration for the Surgical Education and Training Program (PDF 53.04KB)
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Emmett Prize (PDF 31.41KB)
Recognition of Prior Learning (PDF 22.35KB)
Reconsideration, Review and Appeal (PDF 106.62KB)
Registration and Selection to Surgical Education and Training (Regulation) (PDF 227.92KB)
Religious Observance (PDF 26.12KB)
Research during Surgical Education and Training (PDF 23.3KB)
SET Misconduct (PDF 89.58KB)
Specialty Surgical Education and Training Fee (PDF 93.97KB)
Surgical Education and Training (SET Fee) (PDF 106.32KB)
Surgical Supervisors (PDF 102.2KB)
Surgical Trainers (PDF 104.68KB)
Trainee Registration and Variation (PDF 98.7KB)
Training Agreement (PDF 177.72KB)
Training Board Chair's Allowance (PDF 23.38KB)
Training Post Accreditation and Administration (PDF 57.1KB)
Training Requirements and Curriculum Structure (PDF 32.87KB)