In This Section
An overview of the Australia and NZ Surgical Skills Education and Training (ASSET) course.
Course delivery
- Two days in duration
- Conducted for 16 to 20 participants
- Taught by a faculty of surgeons
- Highly interactive and skills based
- Formatively assessed
Course objectives
By completing the ASSET course, participants will be able to:
- Practice standard precautions
- Demonstrate integration of incision, tissue handling, instrument, suture and needle selection, and suturing/tying skills
- Safely practice electrosurgery
- Display competence in a variety of basic practical skills relating to different endoscopic environments and the mechanics of instrumentation
- Understand traumatic wound assessment and management skills
- Understand simple bone manipulation techniques.
Surgical competencies
This course includes content that aligns to the following surgical competencies:
- Medical expertise
- Technical expertise
Course program
For an outline of the two day course please view the ASSET course program.