• General Surgical Science Examination (GSSE)

    Generic Surgical Science Examination (GSSE)

    Passing the GSSE ensures that early trainees or prospective SET applicants have demonstrated a minimum standard of knowledge in the surgical sciences of anatomy, pathology and physiology - the foundation of surgical training.

  • Clinical Examination (CE)

    The Clinical Examination (CE) is a practical exam that tests candidates' clinical application of the basic sciences as well as their technical and non-technical competencies.

  • Specialty Specific Examinations (SSE)

    Specialty Specific Examinations (SSE)

    Each surgical speciality determines the Specialty Specific examination to be undertaken by their trainees.

  • FEX

    Fellowship Examination (FEX)

    The Fellowship Examination (FEX) is the final examination, at the standard and level of competency equivalent to that of a consultant surgeon in their first year of independent practice. The FEX comprises both a written and clinical/viva component.

  • Fellowship Examination (FEX)

    Court of Examiners