The NSW RACS Committee and the NSW Trauma Committee greatly appreciated the opportunity to make a submission regarding the NSW Evaluation of The Community Impact Statement Requirement for Liquor Licence applications.
RACS views the current form of Community Impact Statement as fundamentally flawed.
RACS seeks increased efficiency and transparency in the application and adjudication process, in which the community is able to be better represented, particularly in giving voice to the more vulnerable members of the community, to the victims of domestic violence, to those disadvantaged due to socioeconomic circumstance who are often disproportionately adversely affected by the planning decisions related to liquor licence applications.
Alcohol-related harm minimisation is one of the fundamental aims of the NSW Liquor Act - reduction of the existing level of this harm, must be one of the instruments against which any change to the CIS system, and more broadly, to the operationalization of the NSW Liquor Act by OLGNSW / ILGA, must be calibrated.
Read the complete submission at the link below.