The draft wording for a new chapter on IPOs in the Regulatory Guide was predominantly supported. RACS noted that it largely addressed unregistered practitioners and/or those providing surgical services and calling themselves ‘surgeons’ against the National Law.


From 1 July 2024, this change along with a suite of other new powers now enable Ahpra and National Boards to prevent unregistered practitioners (including suspended practitioners) from treating patients. 


Key changes effective from 1 July 2024 include:
Allowing National Boards and Ahpra to issue IPOs about unregistered persons in certain circumstances where the person poses a serious risk to others
Establishing the process to renew a practitioner’s registration after a period of suspension has ended
Extending powers for National Boards to exclude information about a practitioner from the public register if including it would pose a serious risk to their health or safety, to also include risks to the practitioner’s family members or associates. This includes risks such as those stemming from family, domestic or other violence.


“These significant reforms will strengthen Ahpra and National Boards’ ability to protect the public and improve how the National Scheme operates to support practitioners and the public” said Ahpra CEO Martin Fletcher.


Read more about the changes here.