Australian digital health
On this page
My Health Record
My Health Record is a secure online summary of a patient’s health information and is available to all Australians. Healthcare providers authorised by their healthcare organisation can access My Health Record to view and add patient health information.
Guide to My Health Record for Australian Surgeons
The College supports the use of My Health Record as a central repository of information that saves time for practitioners and ultimately improves patient care. In a time of innovation in digital health, maintaining a reliable source of data to improve patient care is a step in the right direction.
We have produced this booklet (PDF 2.45MB)as a way of supporting our colleagues in connecting to and using My Health Record in day-to-day practice.
Additional resources
Digital health tools for specialist practitioners podcast
For the past two years, the RACS Younger Fellows and the Australian Digital Health Agency have been working together to explore the digital health space, looking at some of the ways in which digital innovations can enhance surgical practice. New technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence can change the landscape of surgery and provide for drastically improved patient outcomes. Other technologies such as secure image sharing and telehealth technologies are even more pertinent in the time of COVID-19.
In this special edition podcast, RACS Fellows Pecky De Silva and Jill Tomlinson discuss the digital health space, the challenges of working in private practice, and exploring some of the potential benefits of the My Health Record. They are joined by Briana Meawad from the Commonwealth Australian Digital Health Agency, who discusses some of the innovations the agency is making in the digital health space around Australia.
The information in this podcast may be out of date. For the most up to date information please visit the Australian Digital Health Agency Digital Health webpage.
Training and resources
Online learning courses
You can access a range of resources on topics such as My Health Record, cyber security and electronic prescribing via the online training portal on the Australian Digital Health Agency website.
Digital Health Webinars
In collaboration with the Digital Health Agency, the RACS state and territory offices have put on a series of webinars on a range of Digital Health Topics. Keep an eye on this page for updated content!
Sharing Digital Health Insights, 13th September, 2022
This webinar was co-presented by the RACS Tasmania office and Kathy Rainbird from the Australian Digital Health Agency. It provides an overview of key Digital Health Tools such as My Health Record, Electronic Prescribing, and Telehealth technologies, and highlights some new advances in Digital Health Technologies.
This webinar was co-presented by RACS NSW and the Australian Digital Health Agency, with speakers Kathy Rainbird, Tracey Weeks, Kym Clarke, and Danielle Pentony. It touches on the types of data breaches that can occur in your practice, ways you can respond, and how to keep your practice safe.
RACS and digital health
RACS will be working with the Australian Digital Health Agency over the coming months to develop and improve digital health resources for Fellows. We invite Fellows to provide their thoughts on their use of digital health tools, in particular My Health Record, and feedback on any of the Digital Health Agency resources.
Digital Health Champions program 2022/23
The Digital Health Champions program for 2022/23 is now closed. Please contact if you have any enquiries about future programs.