In This Section
Transplant Surgery
The Transplant Surgery Section advises the College on matters relating to transplant surgery, education and training, post-fellowship training and surgical standards and practice through the Board of Surgical Education and Training, the Post-Fellowship Training Committee and the Professional Standards Committee.
The Transplant Surgery Section aims to:
- participate in workforce assessments to ensure the workforce for Transplant Surgery in Australia and New Zealand is adequate;
- promote professional and community awareness and acceptance of organ and tissue donation for transplantation, and
- promote research in the basic and clinical sciences related to transplantation.
Scientific and education programs are run each year at the Annual Scientific Congress (ASC).
The transplant section runs a series of webinars that address clinical surgical scenarios in transplantation.
Membership enquiries
If you are interested in becoming a member, please forward your details to the Transplant Surgery Section Secretariat.
The Section is governed by a Committee as per the Sections Terms of Reference (PDF 177.86KB) reporting to the RACS Fellowship Services Committee.
Committee Chair - Dr Santosh Olakkengil, FRACS
Transplant Surgery Section Secretariat
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
250-290 Spring Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9249 1290
Email: [email protected]