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New web-based online form
RACS has launched an online application system for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) wishing to apply for the RACS short term training pathway. The new web-based online form provides a streamlined application process for candidates. Paper-based applications will not be accepted after 31 March 2019.
The new online application system delivers:
- clearer application requirements and categorisation eligibility
- a reduction in documents required
- functionality that allows applicants to upload documents, save their application and login multiple times
- a clear snapshot of application progress and outstanding requirements
- ability to pay online.
Important information before applying
Before submitting an application for the Short Term Training in a Medical Specialty Pathway, it is recommended that applicants do the following:
- Read the short term training in a medical specialty pathway policy (PDF 207.09KB)
- Read the checklist for short term training (PDF 227.58KB) (or checklist for extension (PDF 220.82KB) if applying for an extension)
- Apply directly to the AMC for primary source verification (PSV) of your medical qualifications
- A separate application is required for each individual application
- Fees are payable by credit card or PayPal
Please note: SIMGs have 12 weeks to upload all required documentation and make payment towards the short term training fee.
The application form
To access the application form, you will need to create a RACS account (if you haven't already done so). Then, click on the application link below and work through the following steps:
- Select 'Create Account'
- Once an account has been created, log on to the short term application using your new account credentials
- Select 'Short Term Training Application' or 'Short Term Extension Application'
- Ensure all fields and appropriate documentation are completed and submitted with the application.
If you require any assistance while submitting your application, please contact SIMG.Enquiries@surgeons.org
Please refer to the RACS Schedule of Fees for the most up-to-date Short Term Specified Training Position Application Fee.