In This Section
Texts for Paediatric Surgery Trainees
A list of recommended texts for Paediatric Surgery Trainees.
On this page
*Unless specified most current edition of text should be used.
General paediatric surgical texts
At least one of the following:
- Oldham, Colombani & Foglia, Surgery of infants and children: scientific principles and practice, Lippincott Raven
- Ashcraft and Holder, Pediatric Surgery, Saunders
- O'Neill, Rowe, Grosfeld, Fonkalsrud & Coran,Paediatric Surgery (two volumes), Moseby
- Atwell, Paediatric Surgery, Arnold
- Gosford & O'Neill Paediatric Surgery
Paediatric urological texts
At least one of the following:
- Gearheart, Rink, Mouriquand, Paediatric Urology, Saunders
- Frank, Gearheart, Snyder, Operative Paediatric Urology, Churchill Livingstone
- King, Urological surgery in infants and children, Saunders
- Kelailis-King Clinical Paediatric Urology
- Stringer et al Paediatric Surgery and Urology: Long Term Outcomes
Covering specific areas
The following optional texts:
- Howard, Stringer and Colombani, Surgery of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas in children, Â Arnold
- Beasley, Hutson and Auldist, Essential Paediatric Surgery, Arnold
- Raine and Azmy, Surgical emergencies in children, Butterworth, Heinemann
- Stringer, Oldham, Mouriquand and Howard, Pediatric Surgery and Urology: long-term outcomes, Saunders
- Puri, Newborn surgery, Arnold
- Mattei, Surgical directives: Pediatric Surgery, LWW
- Becker, Meller, Zappel, Leenen and Seseke, Imaging in Paediatric Urology, Springer
- Hutson, Woodward and Beasley, Jones' Clinical Paediatric Surgery, Blackwell
- Beasley, Myers and & Auldist, Oesophageal atresia, Chapman & Hall
- Spitz and Coran, Concise Pediatric Surgery, Chapman & Hall
- Hansen and Puder, Manual of neonatal surgical intensive care, BC Decker
- Robb and Smith, Pediatric Surgery - operative surgery, Chapman & Hall
- Beasley, Hutson & Myers, Pediatric diagnosis: conditions of surgical significance, Chapman & Hall
- Schier, Laparoscopy in children, Springer
- Robinson and Robertson, Practical paediatrics,
- Mulliken and Young, Vascular birthmarks: hemangiomas and vascular malformations, Saunders
- Herndon Total burn care, Saunders
- Rudolph, A. M., Hoffman, J. I. E., & Rudolph, C. D. Rudolph's Pediatrics
- Peter H. Abrahams , Sandy C. Marks , Ralph Hutchings McMinns colour atlas of human anatomy
- Chummy S. Sinnatamby Lasts anatomy: regional and applied 1999
Paediatric surgery and urology journals
Trainees are expected keep abreast with current journals as available through RACS Library such as Paediatric Surgery International and Journal of Pediatric Surgery. See also the Trainee resources page.
Helpful reading list for paediatric examinations
- An@tomedia
- Franklin J Gray, Anatomy for the Medical Clinician, Shannon Books Pty Ltd, Melbourne ISBN 0 646 41122 5
- Drake RL, Vogl AW and Mitchell AWM, Gray's Anatomy for Students, Churchill Livingston ISBN 978 0 443 06952 9.
- Chummy S. Sinnatamby, Lasts anatomy: regional and applied Paediatric Pathophysiology
- Oldham, Colombani & Foglia, Surgery of infants and children: scientific principles and practice, Lippincott Raven
- Herndon Total Burn Care, Saunders