Sir Hugh Devine Medal recipients

2019 - Phillip M Spratt AM
2018 - Jeffrey V Rosenfeld
2017 - Bernard Mark Smithers

2015 - Clifford Hughes
2012 - Campbell Miles
2009 - Russell Stitz
2003 - Bruce Barraclough
2000 - David Egmont Theile
1999 - Tom Reeve
1993 - Bernard McC O'Brien
1989 - Edward Durham Smith  
1988 - Neville C Davis 
1986 - Richard C Bennett 
1982 - Graham D Tracy  
1976 - Edward S R Hughes  

Sir Hugh Devine Medal policy & contact

Please refer to the policy governing the Sir Hugh Devine Medal (PDF 30.38KB) before submitting a nomination. Nominations must meet the criteria outlined in this policy.

Nominations may be mailed to:
Chair of the Awards Committee
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
250-290 Spring Street

or sent by email to: [email protected]
Telephone: +61 3 9276 7404