G.A.E. Coupland (1934-1982), had a distinguished, but short, career as a gastric and paediatric surgeon. Coupland was born in the New England region of New South Wales and graduated in medicine from the University of Sydney in 1959. He obtained his Master of Surgery from the same institution in 1975. He was a brilliant and natural surgeon, especially of the upper gastrointestinal tract. He later turned his attention to the surgery of children.
As Supervisor of Surgery for the University of Sydney, he was an admired and respected teacher at Royal North Shore Hospital, where he acquired the epithet "tachyambulant". In 1976 he was appointed associate professor. He also taught at the Singapore General Hospital under the Colombo Plan. He was an energetic and enthusiastic member of the New South Wales Regional Committee from 1978 to 1982.
Previous recipients
2024 - Professor Anand Deva - A series of fortunate accidents - reflections of a career in academic surgery
2023 - Associate Professor Laurencia Villalba - The world belongs to the BOLD
2022 - Dr Francesca Rannard - The importance of interpersonal skills and attitudes in surgery
2021 - Associate Professor Kerin Fielding - The Great Divide: Rural Generalist and Urban Specialist
2020 - Professor Jonathan Clark - The face of head and neck cancer
2019 - Associate Professor Kelvin Kong - Good Vibrations
2018 - Dr Gillian Dunlop - Should your daughter be an artist?
2017 - Professor David Little - Attacking the most challenging Paediatric Orthopaedic conditions through research
2016 - Professor Austin Curtin - GAEC The Rural Dimension
2015 - Phillip Stricker - Prostate Cancer Past, Present and Future
2014 - Paul Fagan - Surgery of the Skull Base
2013 - Jennifer L Chambers - The Endovascular Evolution.
2012 - Hugh Martin - Was Graham Coupland ahead of his time?
2011 - Leigh W Delbridge - Minimally Invasive Surgery: Myth or Major Advance?
2010 - Peter Zelas - Expanding Opportunities in Medicine: a New Medical School in Western Sydney
2009 - William P R Gibson - The ups and downs during the establishment of the Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre.
2008 - Professor Bryan Yeo - A Doctor is a Student until Death, if He/She Ceases to be a Student, He/She Dies
2007 - Mr Peter Coupland - Surgeons' Experience with Death, Dying and Bereavement
2006 - Mr Richard A Barnett - Passing the Baton
2005 - Prof Michael Poole - The Development of Craniofacial Surgery
2004 - Prof Bruce Barraclough - Making a Difference: What Leaders Do
2003 - Tony Eyers - The Ethics of Surgical Training
2002 - Professor E.H. Bates - The Changing Face of Children's Orthopaedics
2001 - P.C. Cregan - Training Certification: Simulation and Virtual Reality
1999 - Professor J. Toouli - Research and Surgery: Necessity or Indulgence?
1998 - M. Stuart - The Learned Professions of Medicine and Law: Growing Together or Growing Apart?
1997 - Professor J. Shine - Where Surgery, Genetics and Molecular Biology Will be over the Next Decade
1996 - Carolyn E. Mountford - Magnetic Resonance: The Medical Technology of the Future
1995 - D.M. Sheldon - Surgeons, Professions and Communities
1994 - M.F. Brennan - The Primary Role of the Surgeon in Cancer Care
1993 - J. Phillips - Surgeons and their Families
1992 - Professor M.C. Robson - Contaminated Wounds, Wound Healing and Growth Factors
1991 - V.W. Fazio - Surgical Trends in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
1990 - Professor G.D. Tracy - Developing a Career in Surgery
1989 - Associate Professor J.M. Ham - Supra-umbilical Surgery
1988 - E. Durham Smith - Leadership in Surgery
1987 - Professor Hiram Polk
1986 - Professor A. Donovan - Graduate Education in Surgery: Current Challenges
1985 - Professor J.M. Little - The Continuing Challenge of Obstructive Jaundice
1984 - Professor T.S. Reeve - Where Has All the Surgery Gone?
1983 - T.L. Kennedy - Gastric Surgery in the 80s