ANZASM Steering Committee
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The ANZASM has been formed to engage and progress the audit implementation in all regions. It provides a forum to support and guide the development of the audit in all states and New Zealand to ensure that both consistency and high standards are met.
The Chair, Professor Guy Maddern, is a senior College Councillor and a strong advocate of surgical audits. The General Manager is Associate Professor Wendy Babidge.
The RACS Council in 2004 endorsed coordinating the bi-national roll out of Audits of Surgical Mortality. To ensure appropriate governance, standardisation and consistency between the audits a bi-national approach needs to be adopted. In line with this, the ANZASM Steering Committee will manage and coordinate the roll-out and maintenance of the audits. The board is accountable directly to Council for fulfilment of the responsibilities outlined in its Terms of Reference.
Professor Guy Madden, Chair, ANZASM Steering Committee
Professor Owen Ung, Chair, Surgical Audit Committee
Associate Professor Sivakumar Gananadha, ACTASM Clinical Director
Associate Professor Mark Sheridan, CHASM Clinical Director
Associate Professor Tony Pohl, SAASM Clinical Director
Dr James Aitken, WAASM Clinical Director
Dr Rob Bohmer, TASM Clinical Director
Dr John North, QASM/ NTASM Clinical Director
Dr Manimaran Sinnathamby, NTASM Chair
Associate Professor Philip McCahy, VASM Clinical Director
TBC, POMRC (NZ) Representative
Dr Susan Valmadre, RANZCOG National Representative
Dr Simon Jenkins, ANZCA National Representative
Mr Graham Beaumont, HealthCare Representative
TBC, RANZCR Representative
In attendance
Dr John Quinn, EDSA, Australia
Professor Spencer Beasley, Surgical Advisor, New Zealand
Associate Professor Wendy Babidge, General Manager, RAAS
Dr Helena Kopunic, Surgical Audit Manager, RAAS
To be confirmed, ACTASM/SAASM Project Manager
Mrs Jenny Allen, QASM/NTASM Project Manager
Ms Lisa Lynch, TASM Project Manager
Dr Franca Itotoh, WAASM Project Manager
Ms Lisa Ochiel, CHASM Project Manager
Dr Nathan Procter, VASM Project Manager
Meeting dates
To be advised.
All general enquiries can be directed to:
- Surgical Audit, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Research, Audit and Academic Surgery
24 King William Street
Kent Town SA 5067, Australia
Telephone: +61 08 8219 0901
Email: [email protected]