SSE and CE Committee
Membership of the Surgical Science Examination & Clinical Examination Committee.
The Surgical Science Examination & Clinical Examination Committee (SSE & CE Committee) is responsible for the oversight of the Generic Surgical Sciences Examination (GSSE) comprising of the Anatomy, Pathology, and Physiology Subcommittees, the Clinical Examination Subcommittee, and the Specialty Specific Examination Subcommittees.
These subcommittees create, develop and maintain question banks for their respective examinations, and in some cases, standard set to ensure the exams remain a valid and reliable tool.
The SSE & CE Committee is responsible for the ratification of results of the examinations.
Members are expected to attend (either in-person at RACS Melbourne or virtually) at least two (out of three) meetings per year - held in March, July and November.
Chair of SSE & CE Committee
Dr Patricia MacFarlane
Dr June Choo - Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS) SSE Chair*
Dr Sean Galvin - Cardiothoracic Surgical Sciences and Principles (CSSP) SSE Chair*
Dr Paul Gilmore - Urology SSE Chair*
Dr Robert Grealy - GSSE Pathology Chair
Dr Sarah Hulme - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Sciences and Principles (PRSSP) SSE AoNZ Chair*
Dr Anthony Leslie - Vascular SSE Chair*
Dr Seyed Ali Mirjalili - GSSE Anatomy Chair
Dr Sally Ng - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Sciences and Principles (PRSSP) SSE AU Chair*
Dr Andrew Oakley - Orthopaedic Principles and Basic Sciences (OPBS) SSE AoNZ Chair*
Dr Valerie See - Clinical Examination Subcommittee Chair
Dr Yogeesan Sivakumaran - GSSE Physiology Chair
Dr Adrian Trivett - Orthopaedic Principles and Basic Sciences (OPBS) SSE AU Chair*
Prof Richard Turner - Acting General Surgery Representative*
*Chairs of SSE Committees are appointed by their respective Specialty Training Board
Interested in Examinations and want to join a Subcommittee?
The SSE & CE Committee is looking for new members to join the GSSE Anatomy, GSSE Pathology, GSSE Physiology, and Clinical Examination Subcommittees. Please see further information regarding the respective subcommittees below.
To submit your interest in any of the subcommittees below, please email the team at [email protected] with your CV outlining your expertise and experience.
Selection process
The Clinical Examination Subcommittee will appoint examiners prioritising appointments to create diversity in gender, ethnicity and geography within the Faculty.
Clinical Examination Subcommittee EOI
The Clinical Examination (CE) is a practical examination that assesses the clinical application of basic sciences as well as the technical and non-technical skills of junior doctors who are wanting to pursue a career in surgery. The Clinical Exam is held three times yearly (February, June, October) in various centralised locations across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and subcommittee members facilitate the running of the exam alongside RACS Examinations staff.
The CE Subcommittee is looking for Fellows from all specialties who are current Clinical Examiners, or who have examined in the last 3 years.
GSSE Pathology Subcommittee EOI
The Pathology Subcommittee is looking for Fellows or matter experts with an interest in the following subjects to join the subcommittee:
- Pathology
- Immunology
- Microbiology
Please click the link for information on the Pathology Syllabus.
GSSE Physiology Subcommittee EOI
The Physiology Subcommittee are looking for those with an interest in Physiology and examinations to join the subcommittee.
Please click the link for information on the Physiology Syllabus.
GSSE Anatomy Subcommittee EOI
The Anatomy Subcommittee is looking for Fellows preferably from the following specialties (but all are welcome to apply) who have an interest in Anatomy:
- Neurosurgery
- General Surgery
- Paediatric Surgery
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Orthopaedic Surgery
Please click the link for information on the Anatomy Syllabus.
Selection process
The Clinical Examination Subcommittee will appoint examiners prioritising appointments to create diversity in gender, ethnicity and geography within the Faculty.
Policies and Terms of Reference
Examinations Department
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
250-290 Spring Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9249 1222
Email: [email protected]