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WAASM Seminar, Saturday, 25 March 2023, Human factors in the management of complex surgical environments. RACS WA Office, Perth. Download flyer (PDF 246.36KB) (PDF 246.36KB) (PDF 246.36KB) (PDF 246.36KB).
WAASM Symposium, Friday, 27 August 2021, in conjunction with the RACS WA, SA, and NT Annual Scientific Meeting at Cable Beach, Broome WA. Download flyer (PDF 100.03KB) (PDF 100.03KB) (PDF 100.03KB) (PDF 100.03KB).
The symposium comprised of two morning sessions on the first day of the ASM. Seven speakers covered topics related to ‘preparing the patient before they come to hospital’ and ‘management of the patient when in hospital’. As with the wider ASM, the symposium was accessible remotely, and a virtual hub operated from the RACS WA office.
Session 1: Preparing the patient before they come to hospital
Prof James Aitken, Opening address
Mr Paul Forden, Enhancing "Enhanced Recovery After Surgery"
Mr Toby Richards, Pre-operative blood management
Ms Hannah Seymoure, Is Frailty Important in Surgical Patients?
Mr Simon Towler, End of Life Care: Special Considerations in Surgical Practice
Mr James Aitken, Panel Discussion
Session 2: Management of the patient when in hospital
Mr James Aitken, Opening address
Dr Catherine Gibb, What can a physician offer before surgery?
Prof Guy Maddern, Assessing patients prior to transfer
Mr Dominic Pepperell, Anti-coagulation management in the peri-operative period
Ms Hannah Seymour, Post-operative geriatric input to the non-orthopaedic patient
Mr James Aitken, Panel Discussion
WAASM Symposium, Thursday, 24 August 2017, "The Perth Emergency Laparotomy Audit - Where to Now?". Download report (PDF 967.82KB) (PDF 967.82KB) (PDF 967.82KB) (PDF 967.82KB)
Prof James Aitken, National Australian data in an international context
Dr Peter Pockney, Emergency laparotomy audit in NSW
Dr Claire Stevens, Outcome of emergency laparotomy in Victoria - Dr Foster's diagnosis
Dr Mary Theophilus, A hospital's response
Associate Professor David Mountain, An emergency department's response
Professor Marina Wallace, Who should operate on emergency laparotomies
Dr Audrey Koay, What a Department of Health would want from a national audit
Prof David Fletcher, A proposed Australian and New Zealand emergency laparotomy audit
Prof Guy Maddern, Concluding discussion
WAASM Symposium, Tuesday, 15 November 2016, "Futile Care and End of Life Matters". Download report (PDF 794.14KB) (PDF 794.14KB) (PDF 794.14KB) (PDF 794.14KB)
Prof James Aitken Introduction: Futile Care and End of Life Matters
Hon Jim McGinty AM Parliament's Role in End of Life Matters
Dr Penny Flett The Aged Care Sector's Role In Preparing For The End Of Life
Dr Matthew Anstey End of Life Care - National Policy Perspective
Dr Tim Paterson Fifty fifty Doc? Proceeding in Borderline Cases
Mr Stephen Honeybul Futile Care or No Treatment
Dr Zaza Lyons and Mr Albie Lyons Futility Recovery Personal Reflection
Prof James Aitken Panel discussion
WAASM Symposium, 31 August 2015, "Transferring Surgical Patients: better organisation is required", Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (QEII), Perth. Download the program (PDF 106.13KB) (PDF 106.13KB) (PDF 106.13KB) (PDF 106.13KB). For more information email the WAASM office.
WAASM Symposium, February 2011, "Recognising the Deteriorating Patient". For a copy of audio/video file email the WAASM office.