2024 | Volume 25 | Issue 5

Tristate ASM 2024

Dr Rajesh Sehdev

What if the key to improving patient outcomes and fostering a healthier work environment for healthcare professionals was as simple as a smile? At the RACS WA, SA & NT Tristate Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), held in August Dr Rajesh Sehdev presented a thought-provoking keynote on a subject often overlooked in the healthcare field: Clinical wellbeing through civility.

Dr Sehdev, an emergency physician from Townsville, has spent years advocating for the wellbeing of clinicians at multiple levels—departmental, hospital, state, and national. His presentation, Civility saves lives, left a lasting impression on the audience, highlighting how civility (or the lack of) can directly impact both clinician wellbeing and patient safety. 

In an era when clinical excellence is a top priority, Dr Sehdev reminded us that the foundation of that excellence lies in how we interact with each other. Respectful communication, kindness, and professionalism are not just niceties—they are essential to creating a healthy, collaborative healthcare environment.

Drawing from research and personal experience, Dr Sehdev illustrated how even small lapses in professional behaviour—whether it's dismissiveness, rudeness, or passive aggression—can build toxic work cultures. These behaviours not only harm staff morale but also set the stage for errors that put patients at risk. As Dr Sehdev put it, “When we bring kindness, compassion, civility, and inclusion, we enable ourselves and others to bring our whole selves to work.”


Tristate ASM 2024

L to r: Dr Ming Yew, Stephanie Clota, A/Prof Kerin Fielding, Dr Bernard Carney, and Dr Hemi Patel

His address was part of a larger, comprehensive program curated by meeting conveners Associate Professor Ming Yew and Dr Sharon Lee. Discussions during the event focused on the theme of Culture, Accountability, and Diversity, reinforcing the importance of building supportive and inclusive environments within the healthcare profession.

Tristate ASM 2024

Dr Hemi Patel, A/Prof Gillian Farrell, and Dr Christine Lai

With stunning sunset views at a welcome function held at the Akari Deck at Cable Beach Resort, this Tristate ASM united Fellows, Trainees, SIMGs, medical professionals and medical students predominantly from Western Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory.

Tristate ASM 2024

Welcome dinner

The ASM also offered attendees opportunities to connect outside the lecture halls. The stunning sunset views at Cable Beach Resort set the backdrop for a welcome function held at the Akari Deck, where the medical community from Western Australia, South Australia, and the Northern Territory gathered to network and unwind. Later, the Kimberley by Moonlight conference dinner allowed guests to continue their conversations under the stars, with James Brown, Managing Director of Pearls of Australia and Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm, delivering the Hanrahan Oration and sharing his fascinating insights as a third-generation Kimberley pearling pioneer.

Looking ahead, RACS South Australia is excited to host the next Tristate ASM in September 2025 in Adelaide. The scientific program, themed Standing on the shoulders of giants, will delve into topics surrounding surgical history, rural and remote medicine, and training, promising another opportunity for professional growth and connection.

As we continue to address the challenges of modern healthcare, one thing remains clear: fostering a culture of civility and respect is key to not only ensuring our own wellbeing but also improving outcomes for the patients we serve.