• Policy and guideline
  • Who can apply?

    The applicant must be a current EMST Coordinator who has: 

    - coordinated a minimum of three courses (excludes courses coordinated under supervision during the training process)

    - be allocated to coordinate a course in 2025

    - has not received a EMST Coordinator or Professional Assistance grant in the past two years

  • Activity

    Eligible activity

    Attendance at an approved trauma education program or conference
    - Observe an EMST instructor course within Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand
    - Attendance at an external course to enhance required skills
    - Another professional development activity related to EMST

  • App requirements
    Your application is to include:

    - your career and employment details
    - a summary of your relevant experience and how the grant will help contribute towards your professional development relating to EMST
    - proposed costs
    - name and correct email addresses for two referees (recommenders) who will then receive an invitation to view parts of your online application and provide a recommendation
  • Selection

    Selection is based upon:
    - the relevance of the application to trauma or acute surgical care education
    - efficient utilisation of the available funds
    - the personal and professional development benefits which may be realised

    The selection committee is comprised of RACS Skills Training Department Manager and National Nurse Coordinator

    - payment is made directly to the recipient by 30 June 2025 in the scholarship year (following receipt of a valid invoice)

  • To apply

    Application is via the Scholarships and Grants Program online platform, RACS Unlock, hosted by Survey Monkey Apply.

    You may register as an applicant on RACS Unlock at any time, however applications will not display on your dashboard until the Scholarships and Grants Program application opening date in April. There is no need to re-register if you already have a RACS Unlock registration.

    Please note: emailed applications are not accepted.

    Visit RACS Unlock
  • Contact
    Scholarship and grant team 

    Email: [email protected]