Policy and guideline
Before applying, please refer to the:
- Learning and Development grant policy (PDF 288.7KB)
- John Buckingham Grant guideline (PDF 122.07KB) -
Who can apply?
Applications are open to SET Trainees.
Applicants are encouraged to be members of the Resident and Associate Society of the American College of Surgeons or have applied for resident membership with the intention of gaining Fellowship of the ACS in the future.
Applicants are also expected to be a member, or to apply for membership, of the ANZ Chapter of the ACS.
This grant is not available for SET applicants or past recipients.
The grant funds a Trainee to attend the American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress.
The recipient is expected to:
- make a brief (5-10 minute) presentation outlining their activity at the ANZ Chapter of the ACS meeting at the RACS Annual Scientific Congress in the year following the grant activity- provide a report at the end of the grant year.
Application requirements
Your application is to include:
- your career and employment details
- your travel plan and proposed budget
- an outline of the proposed benefits of the grant to yourself, the ANZ Chapter of the ACS and to RACS -
Selection and awarding
Selection is via written application.
The selection panel is comprised of members of the Scholarship and Grant Committee, the ANZ Chapter of the ACS and the RACS Trainees’ Association (RACSTA) Executive.
- payment is made directly to the recipient by 1 March in the grant year (following receipt of a valid invoice) -
To applyApplication is via the Scholarships and Grants Program online platform, RACS Unlock, hosted by Survey Monkey Apply.
You may register as an applicant on RACS Unlock at any time, however applications will not display on your dashboard until the Scholarships and Grants Program application opening date. There is no need to re-register if you already have a RACS Unlock registration.
Please note: emailed applications are not accepted.
Visit RACS Unlock -
ContactScholarship and grant team
Email: [email protected]