• Who can apply?
    To be eligible for this Fellowship, you need to be a RACS Fellow intending to enrol in a Master in Health Professions Education Program at the faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University, Canada.
  • Value
    $77,000 stipend. This sum may be used to fund travel, accommodation and living expenses. Tuition and related expenses are funded additionally by Queen's University. 
  • Duration
    This Fellowship is offered every two years for a two year period. The commencement date is determined by Queen’s University within 18 months of the scholarship being awarded.
  • Activity
    The recipient may only pursue the educational activities involved in the Masters program and must be resident at the Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario for the best part of their fellowship. The Fellowship may be used to fund travel, accommodation and living expenses.
  • Application
    Your application is to include:

    - your career and employment details
    - your research proposal including: your project aim and research questions; research objectives; scientific literature references; research design; participants; data analysis; limitations and assumptions.
    - a list of your five most important publications, along with an upload of the cover page of each that clearly shows all authors (optional)
    - a list of your five most important conference presentations (optional)
    - proposed budget
  • Selection

    Selection is assessed via written application with shortlisted applicants invited to interview.

    The selection panel is comprised of representatives of the ANZ Scholarship and Grant Committee.

  • Recipient obligations
    Recipients are required to present their research at the annual meeting of the Surgical Research Society of Australasia (or an agreed equivalent) at least once during, or in the 12 months following, the scholarship period.
  • Payment

    Following receipt of the recipient’s tax invoice as requested by the Scholarships and Grants department, the stipend is paid in one installment prior to 1 March in the scholarship year.

    Tuition and related expenses are funded additionally by Queen's University.

  • To apply

    Applications for 2023 activity are closed.

    Before applying, please read:

    - general information on the Scholarships and Grants Program 
    - program conditions and recipient obligations 
    - conditions specific to this opportunity as stated on this page.

  • Contact
    Scholarships and grants department
    Telephone: +61 8 8219 0924
    Email: [email protected]