Scholarships and grants
RACS offers scholarships and grants that support Trainees in their endeavours to inform, educate, learn, facilitate change and improve the quality of surgical care and practice.
The RACS Scholarships and Grants Program
A large number of research scholarships and learning and development grants are offered annually in March by the Scholarships and Grants Program.
Trainees and SET applicants are eligible to apply for many of the scholarships and grants on offer. SET applicants must provide evidence of acceptance into the SET program by December in the year of application.
About research scholarships
Research scholarships offer recipients the opportunity to pursue a major research project over a period ranging from one to three years. They are usually undertaken through an approved research institute in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand, are paid as a stipend via the institute on behalf of RACS and may include departmental maintenance.
About learning and development grants
Learning and development grants offer recipients the opportunity to pursue professional development, training or small research activities in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas. They are usually undertaken over weeks or some months and are paid as a lump sum directly to the recipient.
Please visit the scholarships and grants program to view available opportunities, eligibility requirements, conditions and further information.