Admission form, approval process & timeline
Trainees and SIMGs who have met the criteria for Fellowship initiate applications by submitting a completed application form. The minimum timeframe for an application to be approved and admission kit sent to the applicant, after the initial applications has been received by the College, is 3-4 weeks. Fellowship will then be confirmed in writing once the applicant has completed the necessary forms and full payment has been made and receipted. Expedited applicants, in addition, need to wait until after their training completion date and final approval from the Committee before Fellowship can be confirmed. Typically, the entire process from application to admission to Fellowship will take 6 to 8 weeks.
Application for Admission to Fellowship Form
Download the Fellowship Application form (PDF 798.64KB).
Please complete all the required sections relevant to your Speciality.
Forms must be emailed to Administrative Officer - Surgical Training Department, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; email: [email protected]. Forms will be acknowledged within 5 working days. If you do not hear from us within that timeframe, please contact us at [email protected]
Applications are processed on a monthly cycle (with the exception of the Christmas holiday period).
Approval process and timeline
- The Specialty Committee Executive Officer (for specialties administered by the College), or the Specialist Society Executive Officer (for specialties administered by the Specialist Society) will review the application and advise the CSET Executive Officer as to whether all requirements have been met.
- The Specialty Committee Chair signs off the application on the advice of the Specialty Committee or Specialist Society Executive Officer.
- The Executive of the Committee of Surgical Education and Training approves the application via email.
- The Censor in Chief approves the application via email.
- The Trainee or SIMG file is forwarded to the Fellowship Database Officer.
- The Fellowship Database Officer sends an admission kit to the applicant, including an invoice for Fellowship entrance and subscription fees.
- When the Fellowship entrance and subscription fees have been paid, the Fellowship Database Officer advises the applicant that admission has been approved and issues the applicant with documentation that verifies their Fellowship (documents released after completion date and final approval from CSET Board for expedited applicants). The Fellow can then pass this documentation on for credentialing, regulatory and insurance purposes. The Fellowship Certificate is dispatched at a later date, usually within eight weeks after admission to Fellowship. All new Fellows are invited to attend the College Convocation Ceremony, held in conjunction with the Annual Scientific Congress (ASC). Fellows invited to convocate must comply with the instructions provided by the College.
Refer to the Admission to Fellowship policy (PDF 117.98KB) (PDF 117.98KB) for further information.