Survey research at RACS
On this page
Survey research has become an essential component of consulting Trainees and Fellows to understand issues that affect them and for the evaluation of programs.
Those interested in conducting survey research with Trainees and/or Fellows, please download and review the RACS Survey Policy (PDF 110.32KB) prior to making contact with the Evaluation and Survey Coordinator.
For those interested in participating, please follow the survey links or contact the researchers noted under each project listing below.
Current research
JDoc and SET Trainee experience survey
(posted 14th March 2018)
Are you a junior doctor or Trainee working in an Australian hospital? Perhaps you work with or educate junior doctors or Trainees?
If so, we want to hear from you!
We are conducting a research project considering changes in the lives of junior doctors and Trainees in Australia.
We are asking interested junior doctors and Trainees as well as those who work with or educate junior doctors or Trainees to participate in a one-on-one interview which will run for approximately 45-60 minutes. We will ask you about your experience as a junior doctor or Trainee, which aspects you find most rewarding and most challenging, and how you balance your workload with your life outside of work. This research is part of PhD Candidate Lara McGirr's doctorate at Macquarie University. As a token of gratitude for your time, you will be given a $25 Coles/Myer gift card.
For further details or to express interest in participating in this project, please email: Lara McGirr (Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University) or phone: +61 415 498 988.