Become an EMST Instructor
On this page
Course overview
The EMST program teaches a systematic, concise approach to the care of a trauma patient. Its courses provide a safe and reliable method for immediate management of injured patients.
The EMST program runs in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and is equivalent to the Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) program in other parts of the world.
EMST is a two and a half day course conducted by a faculty of eight instructors plus a director for 16 participants. The course program includes interactive discussions, practical skill stations and case scenarios.
Approximately 60 courses are run each year across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand by a multi-disciplinary faculty who work in surgery, emergency medicine, anaesthetics, intensive care and general practice. A list of this year's EMST courses is available on the EMST course schedule at the link below.
Teaching on Skills Training courses enables RACS Fellows to claim one CPD point per hour, with a maximum of 30 per annum. Awards and scholarships are available for faculty.
Eligibility criteria
Potential instructor eligibility criteria
- Minimum level of seniority at PGY4.
- Current clinical registration and medical practice within five years.
- Fellow or senior trainee in relevant field.
- An interest in and/or involvement in clinical trauma management.
- An interest in teaching.
- A commitment to attend a provider course as an instructor candidate within twelve (12) months of successfully completing an instructor course.
Once instructor training is complete,
- A commitment to instructing on at least two (2) EMST provider courses per year.
- A commitment to instructing for RACS for a minimum of four (4) years.
- Currently EMST/ATLS certified within the last five (5) years and/or current edition. *
- Previously nominated as a potential instructor. **
*Following submission of a successful instructor course application, doctors who are not currently EMST/ATLS certified will be required to observe a provider course (free of charge) prior to attending the instructor course.
Training process
- Submit application to the EMST evaluation panel.
- If EMST certification > five (5) years ago, successful applicants will be required to observe a current edition provider course as a potential instructor.
- Attend and successfully complete an EMST instructor course.
- Attend and successfully participate in an EMST provider course as an instructor candidate, within twelve (12) months of successfully completing an instructor course.
ATLS reciprocity
Instructor reciprocity exists between EMST and the ATLS® program worldwide. Experienced ATLS instructors may not be required to undertake step 2 of the instructor training process and may be invited to attend an EMST instructor course as an instructor candidate.
If you are an ATLS® instructor living in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand wishing to instruct, please submit an application.
About the EMST Instructor course
The EMST instructor course is an immersive two and a half day course which focuses on teaching skills and how to facilitate the interactive format of the EMST course. You will have the opportunity to practice facilitating group discussions, teaching a skill and running an initial assessment simulation. This is a great opportunity to refresh your EMST knowledge, learn teaching skills which can be transferred to any teaching you do and to gain an internationally recognised qualification which allows you to teach overseas. In addition, the course provides a great opportunity to network with experienced trauma clinicians.
During the course you will be assessed on your teaching and implementation of the strategies taught. Successful completion of the instructor course must be followed by successfully teaching in a course prior to being conferred as an EMST instructor.
There are three EMST instructor courses per year, March, June and November. They are conducted Friday through to Sunday lunch.
How to apply
Please note that selection is competitive and limited to 48 places a year. Application forms are comprehensively reviewed. Therefore, please ensure your answers thoroughly address each question, with specific examples of your teaching experience including planning, delivery and evaluation of an education session. We recommend a minimum word count of 200 words per answer.
Please ensure you include all the following when submitting your application.
- Completed EMST instructor training application form (DOCX 596.99KB)
- A current detailed curriculum vitae
- An instructor training referral form (if not nominated by faculty on an EMST provider course)
- A current passport style ID photo (head and shoulders, smiling is accepted)
The Skills Training team is the communication link between participants, faculty and the EMST committee.
EMST Program Coordinator
Skills Training
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
250-290 Spring Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9249 5023
Email: [email protected].