Journal publications
Clinical impact of the Z0011 trial on axillary surgical management in Australia and New Zealand from the BreastSurgANZ Quality Audit. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2025)
An Australian-based nomogram predicting nodal positivity for breast cancer in older patients. Surgeon (2023)
Trends and variations in post-mastectomy breast reconstruction rates in Australia over 10 years. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2023)
Breast cancer care and surgery in Australia and New Zealand: compliance of the BreastSurgANZ quality audit with international standards. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2023)
The use of neoadjuvant systemic therapies in breast cancer in Australia and New Zealand: breast surgeons of Australia and New Zealand quality audit. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2023)
Older breast cancer: Not all T1 HR+ breast cancers are equal. Journal of Oncology Research and Therapy (2022)
Older breast cancer in Australia: Tumour characteristics of screened versus symptomatic breast cancers. Journal of Oncology Research and Therapy (2022)
BreastSurgANZ members recommendations for adjuvant systemic treatment and patient compliance in Australian breast cancer patients. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2021)
The management of women with ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast in Australia and New Zealand between 2007 and 2016. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2021)
Breast cancer subtypes in Australian Chinese women ANZ Journal of Surgery (2020)
What Are the Appropriate Thresholds for High Quality Performance Indicators for Breast Surgery in Australia and New Zealand? The Breast (2020)
Male Breast Cancer in Australia Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology (2020)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy rates for breast cancer in Australia — "are we there yet?" Annals of Breast Surgery (2019)
Molecular subtypes of screen-detected breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (2018)
Regional variation in immediate breast reconstruction in Australia. BJS Open (2017)
Documenting patterns of breast reconstruction in Australia: The national picture. The Breast (2016)
Initial axillary surgery: results from the BreastSurgANZ Quality Audit. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2015)
Breast cancer survival in New Zealand women. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2015)
Breast cancer characteristics and survival differences between Maori, Pacific and other New Zealand women included in the Quality Audit program of Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (2015)
Impact of geographic location on surgical outcomes of women with breast cancer. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2014)