Special consideration and Reasonable adjustments
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Each candidate is responsible for determining their physical and/or mental fitness to participate in an examination. A candidate has the opportunity to withdraw from sitting the examination should any circumstance have the potential to impact adversely on their performance and failure to do, so where there was an opportunity, will be taken into account when considering applications for special consideration and reasonable adjustment.
Special consideration
What is special consideration?
If a candidate suffers an adverse event that is beyond their control and has an impact on their performance around or during an examination, they may apply for special consideration. The adverse event must be immediately prior or during the examination and is one that may ordinarily result in personal leave from employment.
An application for special consideration will only be considered by the governing committee if the candidate does not pass but reaches a minimum standard (as defined in the Exceptional Circumstances and Special Consideration policy). (PDF 281.08KB) An application cannot be considered if an unsuccessful candidate does not at least attain the minimum standard.
Events during an examination
If there is an incident during an examination that a candidate believes may have affected their performance, it must have been brought to the attention of the invigilator, Examiner or RACS staff member at the examination venue at the time it occurred.
How can I apply for special consideration?
Candidates should refer to the special consideration policy for full details on application conditions and timelines. All applications must be submitted to the Examinations Department on the application form (PDF 274.75KB)and be accompanied by supporting documentation.
- For candidates sitting Fellowship clinical/viva segments, any special consideration applications must be received by the end of the final component of the examination.
- For all other examinations (Fellowship written exam, Clinical Examination, GSSE & SSE), applications for special consideration must be received by the Examinations Department within 24 hours of the conclusion of the exam.
Please note applications for special consideration will not be considered once results have been ratified and released to candidates.
How is a decision made?
Following the collation of results, scores for those who have submitted an application for special consideration will be reviewed. If the candidate has not passed but reached the minimum standard, their de-identified application will be presented to the governing committee for decision.
A detailed process map on how a decision is made for the GSSE, Clinical Examination, and SSE Special Specific Exams can be found via the link below:
SSE and CE Committee - Special Consideration Process Map (PDF 445.6KB)
Reasonable adjustments
Reasonable adjustments may be required for any number of health or personal circumstances which may include:
- recovering from injury or long-term illness
- managing a chronic medical condition
- temporary or permanent disability
- requests for lactation breaks or facilities
The Exceptional Circumstances and Reasonable Adjustments policy (PDF 281.08KB) and application form (PDF 121.13KB)have details of how to apply. RACS will endeavour to accommodate measures to ensure all candidates have the opportunity to participate to their full capacity.